Alan Summers, Japan Times Award (2002), President, United Haiku and Tanka Society, and co-founder of Call of the Page, providing literature, education & literacy projects, often based around Japanese genres. For events & workshops contact us through our Call of the Page website: Call of the Page.
Sunday, March 09, 2008
Kingsfield School goes haiku!
The first half of Friday February 15th became a poetry day for pupils at Kingsfield Grammar School in Bristol. Kingsfield is a Specialist Mathematics and Computing College. I was part of a visit from Bath Spa University and took 3 one hour sessions in the room AG7 with Yr 7 ATk, Yr 10 JTn, Yr 8 CSw classes.
One pupil from year 8 proudly handed me her handout of well placed images with haiku poems:
Dark blanket of sky
Silent screech owls flies with grace
Braking midnight's depth
Tim Anderson, teacher/governor at Kingsfield said:
"Many, many thanks for coming to Kingsfield. All the teachers involved in the workshops have said how much they enjoyed them and how valuable they were for the pupils."
"Alan's Haiku went down well with the Yr 7s, and we were impressed at how the sometimes turbulent Yr 10s tackled them."
"The acid test, of course, is: "Was it worthwhile? Should we do it again?"
Again all the teachers involved gave a resounding affirmative to both questions."
Few of we 'old folk' see midnight as 'having depth.' Wonderful! _m