Sunday, February 25, 2018

Haiku Walk (ginko) in Stamford, Lincolnshire, part of Verse 2018, Stamford Arts Centre festival

Live event, haiku walk, in Stamford which was voted the number town in Britain!

12:00 PM Saturday 14th April 2018
We will all meet up at Stamford Arts Centre

Find us and how to get there:
Stamford Arts Centre's Postcode: PE9 2DL

A Haiku Walk is called a ginko in Japan  (ginko 吟行)
gin 吟 act of making a poem
ko 行 act of walking
The g is a hard sound “gain"

After a brief introduction to haiku, the very short poem genre, we’ll set out on a walk - known as a ginko (吟行) in Japan - looking for inspiration. He will also read a number of his haiku revealing how this poetry is different to what we might know.

Afterwards, in a relaxed session, Alan will show how our rough notes and drafts can become polished haiku. Directly sketching from nature, or life, is one of the most common approaches to haiku. We will also learn about combining two images that create surprising connections, that make the brief haiku verse go beyond the count of its words.To help capture the images that do this, Alan has designed an exercise that will add another dimension to pairing images.

Bring a packed-lunch, and Stamford Arts Centre will provide the sushi! 

Alan Summers is President of the United Haiku and Tanka Society; Haibun Editor, Blithe Spirit (Journal of The British Haiku Society); and co-founder of Call of the Page.
About Alan: 

Useful filming of a haiku walk from start to finish:
NHK TV (Japan) filmed Alan’s Haiku Journey which includes a ginko in the last five minutes :

We meet up first of all at the arts centre for a brief introduction to haiku, and then start our walk:

Stamford Arts Centre 
27 St Mary's Street 
Postcode: PE9 2DL

Stamford lies near to Birmingham, Leicester, and Peterborough...

Further notes, webpages, and information:

Stamford Arts Centre

Really useful photographs inside and outside Stamford Arts Centre which is right next to Stamford Theatre:

Various. Photos of rooms and outside:
Visit information for Stamford

Stamford, Lincolnshire

In 2013, Stamford was rated the best place to live by The Sunday Times: 

1st. Stamford, Lincolnshire
The ducks are quacking and the river sparkles in the spring sunshine. Across the green of Stamford’s famous water meadows…sipping takeaway coffees from the cosy independent cafes, such as the Fine Food Store, that line the gloriously Georgian high street. 

The town has starred in period dramas from Middlemarch to Pride and Prejudice, just one lucky by-product of Stamford being named Britain’s first conservation area. The architecture and honey-stone streets really are magnificent, but that’s not all Stamford has to recommend…this friendly town offers…

haiku poem:

those who stop —
ducks taking colour
from the river

Alan Summers
brass bell: a haiku journal curated by Zee Zahava (January 2017)

n.b. For those of you who think haiku is only a 575 pattern of syllables, I also write them too. :-)

The Stamford arts festival “Verse 2018”
online brochure:

Verse 2018  Brochure: 

United Haiku and Tanka Society:

Alan Summers is a previous General Secretary of the British Haiku Society:

Alan and Karen of Call of the Page regularly run online courses for haiku and related genres of writing:

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