"The new Katikati Haiku Pathway guidebook is now available. It features a complete set of the 30 poems engraved on boulders in this riverside walk in Katikati, New Zealand, among them a poem by English writer Alan Summers. The walk had its three newest additions blessed at the end of July in a ceremony conducted by local Maori."
almost lost
in the shimmer of water
several ducklings *
The book also includes short author biographies, a potted history of the project and a map of the pathway.
For those ordering from the UK the cost (including P&P) in New Zealand dollars is $12 for 1, or $20 for 2.
Payment may be made through the Katikati Haiku Pathway Focus Committee's PayPal account.
Please e-mail Sandra at: nzhaiku@gmail.com
for details of the payee account, or for the cost if you wish to purchase more than 2 books.
* haiku publishing credits:
- "water" (2010) haiga by Kuni is the 2nd of the haiga eBook series. Just as "wind", this book give you full view of haiku scene in the world. Content: 75 color plates of haiga artwork for haiku poems by well known 65 haijin (poets) from around the world. http://tfship.net/bookstore/bkstore.html
- See Haiku Here (kuni_san) April 13, 2009 Haiga 197 http://seehaikuhere.blogspot.com/2009/04/haiga-197.html
- Yomiuri Shimbun October 2004
- Narrow Road haiku sequence Various Artists eMagazine March 2004
- Haiku Pathway Katikati book ISBN 0-476-00060-2 (2003) Katikati Open-Air Art Inc.
- First Australian Haiku Anthology ISBN 0 9577925 9 X (2003)
- Raku Teapot: Haiku Book and CD pub. Raku Teapot Press 2003 in association with White Owl Publishing Book: ISBN 1-891691-03-1 CD: ISBN 1-891691-04-X
- Wild Flowers, New Leaves (2002) Ed. Susumu Takiguchi Ami-Net International Press ISBN 1 902135 03 2
- Flowers on a Shoe String a collection of poetry and prose ed. Sacha Tremain in aid of ‘One to One Children’s Charity’ Institute of Physics Publishing 2002
- HI journal #42, Haiku International, Japan, January 2001 (trans into Japanese)
- tinywords.com January 2001
- Haiga site 2001 www.mahorobane.jp/~kuni/haiga_gallery/hai_jin7/summer1.html
- Haiku Pathway, Katikati, North Island, New Zealand handcarved into a river boulder 2000 http://area17.blogspot.com/2007/08/new-katikati-haiku-pathway-guidebook-is.html http://members.dodo.com.au/janbos/katikati.html http://www.katikati.co.nz
- HI journal #42, Haiku International, Japan, January 2001 (translated into Japanese) include or not?
- First Australian Anthology 1999 http://users.mullum.com.au/jbird/as1.html
- It was reprinted in the British Haiku Society Journal article "English/Japanese Haiku" by Nobuyuki Yuasa Blithe Spirit article vol.8 no.3 ISSN 1353-3320 (September 1998)
- The haiku was used and translated for an article read at the Baiko Women's College, Oct. 1996 by Nobuyuki Yuasa who is also the editor/translator of the Penguin Classics book ‘The Narrow Road to the Deep North and Other Travel Sketches’ ISBN 0140441859 trans. into romaji by Nobuyuki Yuasa, mizu haete hikari ni kasumu kogamo kana
- Blithe Spirit Vol. 6 No. 1 February 1996 ISSN 1353-3320
If you would like to learn more about the pathway, please go to:
Poetry Society New Zealand
Janice's Katikati webpage with images:
The Katikati Town Web Site:
includes details of the Haiku Pathway
Katikati’s Millennium Project, The Haiku Pathway:
Katikati Mural Town: haiku park
Gerald England's blog and Katikati record:
Ackborn born, gone West: ABC Wednesday - K is for Katikati Haiku Pathway
For New Zealand, and international haiku news please check out:
New Zealand Haiku News