Online internet courses by Call of the Page

Are you interested in a Call of the Page course? We run courses on haiku; tanka; tanka stories/prose; haibun; shahai; and other genres.

Please email Karen or Alan at our joint email address:
We will let you know more about these courses.

Call of the Page (Alan & Karen)

Monday, August 15, 2011

Catch my haiku on the iPhone, iPad and iPod touch app

Eight of my haiku are part of a new iPhone app!

And it's free
and there's 365 haiku and growing.

THF Haiku 

By Luke Bradford




THF Haiku brings contemporary haiku to your Apple mobile device with a shake of your hand—literally.

Shake your phone or other mobile device and a new poem appears.

The app is loaded with 365 haiku from poets around the globe, showing the range of topics and form characteristic of today’s haiku.

Additional poem packets soon to be available!

Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, 
and iPad. Requires iOS 3.0 or later

You can download THF Haiku from the App Store on your Apple device.


Anonymous said...

very cool! congrats :)
Stay inspired!

Pan Haiku Review said...

Thanks Michelle!

It's a very cool app, with lots of fine haiku, 365 in total.

A really good anthology of haiku for the iPhone/iPad/iPod touch. ;-)

all my best,
