Online internet courses by Call of the Page

Are you interested in a Call of the Page course? We run courses on haiku; tanka; tanka stories/prose; haibun; shahai; and other genres.

Please email Karen or Alan at our joint email address:
We will let you know more about these courses.

Call of the Page (Alan & Karen)

Friday, January 23, 2015

Shahai - combining your haiku & your photography (online course)

For future shahai classes do drop us a line at:

And Karen will get back to you!

Early Bird rate extended to February 8th
£140/US$220 if paying by February 8th).
For more information and booking, on this and other forthcoming With Words courses, please email:

Shahai - 
combining your haiku & photography
(an online internet course)

The online course starts March 1st, and finishes 1st week of May 2015

Cost:  £150/US$235 
(early bird £140/US$220 if paying by February 8th).

Shahai, sometimes referred to as "photo-haiga" are a modern twist on the Japanese tradition of combining haiku with artwork. 

Because many haiku writers already enjoy photography as part of their creative expression, shahai is an intensively creative and exciting form to explore. Participants may choose to submit either haiku or tanka as the written element of their artworks.

The feedback received during the course includes:
in-depth feedback on the haiku/tanka element from 
Alan Summers (Japan Times award-winning writer and lead tutor in Japanese poetry forms).
constructive, friendly, inclusive and professional critique on photography from Penney Ellis (Photographer, Artist, and Photography Tutor):

Class size:  5+

Cost:  £150/US$235 
(early bird £140/US$220 if paying by February 8th).

For more information and booking, on this and other forthcoming With Words courses, please email:

Thank you for your interest.



Barbara said...

This sounds wonderful! Unfortunately, I am unable to enroll in a course in February due to other commitments . Will you be offering this class again and if so, when?
Thank you, Alan .
Regards, Barbara Kaufmann

Pan Haiku Review said...

Hi Barbara,

We will definitely be offering the course again. If you email my wife Karen she will put you on the list, and let you know when the next one comes up.

It would be great to have you in the next group. :-)

warm regards,


Pan Haiku Review said...

Hi Barbara,

Karen reminds me that the course itself is these dates:

March 1st, and into the first week of May 2015.

It's just the early bird price is cheaper if you pay by February 1st.

kind regards,


Bill Waters said...

Hi, Alan! This is a little off-topic, but I have a question about "haiku-captioned photos". I and many others enjoy writing them, but I don't believe they fit the definition of shahai as I understand it. What should they be called, do you think?

My blog post at raises this question in greater depth. It's not too long, and if you feel like glancing over it, I'd love to hear your thoughts!...

Bill Waters :- )

Pan Haiku Review said...

Hi Bill,

A good question, and one of the reasons I'm excited about the course, and working with the guest photographer, as well as regular haiku/tanka writers.

We'll certainly be looking at both answers and questions, and look to a number of dynamic features, including the ones you've mentioned.

I hope you consider coming onto the course.

warm regards,
