About Karen and Alan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3VS36AGVI6s
website: www.callofthepage.org
For more information contact us at: admin@callofthepage.org
We now have a new and brilliant course for beginners!
designed by Karen Hoy
Introducing... Haiku
We hope to bring another beginners course later in the year.
There is a newsletter (details on the page) if you want to be kept uptodate on Call of the Page courses.
Previous course:
Haiku Beginners - Group Online Course
This is an entry level course, not only for people who are looking specifically to learn about writing haiku, but for those who are inspired to try this short form as a manageable way into starting creative writing.
With this course, we enjoy getting back to basics.
In the first assignment we will use short prose exercises to improve the brevity of our writing - a quality essential to haiku. We will learn what to watch out for when reading haiku.
For the second assignment we'll begin to write the brief snippets of words that make up a haiku.
With the third and final assignment we will be ready to compose complete haiku. Each assignment will have detailed feedback from the tutor. The tutor's feedback is shared with all participants, so everybody learns from each other's work.
Participants should have at least three finished haiku by the end of the course, and ideas for continuing their writing.
The course ends with an optional 20-minute phone or Skype chat with Alan to answer any outstanding questions about haiku in general or the student's work or next steps.
LEVEL: beginners at haiku, or beginners at creative writing.
GROUP SIZE: up to 6.
START DATE: Monday 17th October 2016, finishing 8 weeks later.
FULL COST: £95 or US$125.
EARLY BIRD COST: £80 or US$105 (if paying by Monday 26th September 2016).

BOOKING: by payment via PayPal to alan@withwords.org.uk
Go to the Paypal website: https://www.paypal.com/uk/webapps/mpp/send-money-online
Your payment by Paypal confirms you a place on the course.
For more information contact us at: admin@callofthepage.org
Alan Summers MA (Bath Spa University)
Alan Summers, a Japan Times award-winning writer, is London born recently moved to Chippenham, in the South West of England. He has been teaching about haiku internationally, and its related genres, for over twenty years.
His work regularly appears in leading anthologies around the haiku genre:
Haiku in English: The First Hundred Years
(W. W. Norton 2013)
Haiku 2014; Haiku 2015; and Haiku 2016
Modern Haiku Press
The Disjunctive Dragonfly, a New Approach to English-Language Haiku
(Red Moon Press 2012)
A Vast Sky, An Anthology of Contemporary World Haiku (Tancho Press 2015)
Journeys 2015 - An Anthology of International Haibun (prose form with haiku)
NHK World TV of Japan recently featured him in Europe meets Japan - Alan's Haiku Journey, and he has regularly appeared in Japanese newspapers:
Japanese newspaper quotes about Alan:
"Astonishingly moving haiku"
YOMIURI SHIMBUN (Japan) January 2005
"Widely known haiku poet...as dry as vintage champagne"
YOMIURI SHIMBUN (14 million readers in Japan)
16th September 2002 (chosen while spending my birthday in Tokyo, Japan)
He is regularly asked to be a haiku competition judge:
The IAFOR Vladimir Devidé Haiku Award:
World Monuments Fund Haiku Contest:
2015 World Haiku Competition
And more recently The International Matsuo Bashō Award for haiku poets worldwide organised by The Italian Haiku Association.
Alan is a co-editor of five haiku-based anthologies, and four collections of haiku, and has been a co-founding editor of two haiku magazines.
He is the author of the forthcoming book
Writing Poetry: the haiku way (2017).
Also do check out our one-to-one individual feedback options too!
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