photo by Paul Gillis
The first in a new journal writing series:
'How to write a Haiku Journal'
with Alan Summers
Japan-UK 150 haiku poet-in-residence

Wednesday 15th July 2009
6.30-8.30 pm
upstairs at Mr B's fabulous Bibliotherapy Room
This workshop is directed at ALL writers.
Novelists, non-fiction writers, short story writers, diarists, journalists
and poets, this workshop can be useful to you, as well as great fun.
"There is absolutely no difference between revising long poetry, novels, short stories, or haiku. The word count doesn't make any difference, it's the choice of words that counts."
A haiku is more than a mere 'snapshot' poem: it's carefully composed distilled writing conveying more than the sum of its words on a page.
A haiku journal is more than a 'day/date/time, where, why, when' notebook: it's a unique shorthand method capturing a day.
This workshop is suitable for beginners right through to advanced writers. The two hours will include two exercises and group discussion/Q&A
with a FREE complimentary “Haiku Journal” notebook for everyone.
Wine is also being provided I hear from the very kind and excellent
Writing Events Bath organisers Alex and Jude!
Alan Summers is a Japan Times award-winning writer with an M.A. in Creative Writing from Bath Spa University (2007-2008).
He's also 'Japan-UK 150 haiku poet-in-residence' and an experienced workshop leader.
His book 'Selected Haiku Poems 1992-1999’ will be published next year, while his pamphlet 'The Haiku Camera’ is due out later this year.
Cost £22 (concessions £20). Places limited, and filling up fast!
Please book as soon as possible.
For enquiries please contact Writing Events Bath
Click onto their website for information
as well as other exciting events and competition!
Webpage: http://www.writingeventsbath.co.uk/.
Comments from the very first Writing Events Bath event:
"I look forward to attending future events particularly the session
on journal writing." Julia S, Bristol
"I am looking forward to the journal writing series in the autumn
as I kept a journal last year while I was travelling & found it very rewarding." K and P
on journal writing." Julia S, Bristol
"I am looking forward to the journal writing series in the autumn
as I kept a journal last year while I was travelling & found it very rewarding." K and P
Bibliotherapy Room images at Mr B's Emporium:
Bibliotherapy Room images©Mr B's Emporium
Mr B's location: map
Mr B's are the largest stockist of good haiku poetry books including the internationally award-winning Snapshot Press series of haiku poetry anthologies including "Wing Beats: British Birds in Haiku" and "The New Haiku".
Brief CV:
M.A. in Creative Writing, Bath Spa University 2007-2008
Diploma in Creative Writing, University of Bristol 2001
Selected Awards:
The Japan Times award for haiku and renga
Ritsumeikan University of Kyoto Peace Museum Award for haiku
Selected Publications:
'The Haiku Camera' pamphlet collection Forthcoming
'Selected Haiku Poems 1994-2010’ (2010)
Poetry Editor:
'The Poetic Image - Haiku and Photography'
National Academy of Writing/Birmingham Words Pamphlet (2006)
'Parade of Life: Poems inspired by Japanese Prints'
ISBN: 09539234-2-8 (2002)
"Parade of Life is very impressive." Hiroaki Sano, Japanese Embassy
Japanese newspaper publications:
Yomiuri Shimbun (14 million readers); Mainichi Shimbun;
The Japan Times; and The Mie Times.
Brief CV:
M.A. in Creative Writing, Bath Spa University 2007-2008
Diploma in Creative Writing, University of Bristol 2001
Selected Awards:
The Japan Times award for haiku and renga
Ritsumeikan University of Kyoto Peace Museum Award for haiku
Selected Publications:
'The Haiku Camera' pamphlet collection Forthcoming
'Selected Haiku Poems 1994-2010’ (2010)
Poetry Editor:
'The Poetic Image - Haiku and Photography'
National Academy of Writing/Birmingham Words Pamphlet (2006)
'Parade of Life: Poems inspired by Japanese Prints'
ISBN: 09539234-2-8 (2002)
"Parade of Life is very impressive." Hiroaki Sano, Japanese Embassy
Japanese newspaper publications:
Yomiuri Shimbun (14 million readers); Mainichi Shimbun;
The Japan Times; and The Mie Times.
Thank you for stopping by. Your comments are appreciated! I am fairly new to haiku writing and love feedback and constructive instruction.
Your workshop looks like something I would have taken if I was in your part of the world. I am now intrigued with the idea of a haiku journal!
Create a wonderful day!
congratulations on the book (and pamphlet) release!
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