Please email us at:
for any enquiries
We've had a very busy 2011 and 2012. Some of those events, where public, are posted at Area 17.
Current 2012 events are posted, or will be posted over the coming months.
Thank you for your great support!
Alan, With Words
With Words Residential Course, Claridge House, Surrey
Monday-Friday 11th to 15th April 2011
for any enquiries
We've had a very busy 2011 and 2012. Some of those events, where public, are posted at Area 17.
Current 2012 events are posted, or will be posted over the coming months.
Thank you for your great support!
Alan, With Words
Purely Haiku
Lead Tutor Alan SummersWith Words Residential Course, Claridge House, Surrey
Monday-Friday 11th to 15th April 2011
Totally Haiku in Wiltshire
October 2010 - March 2011
see weblink:*----------------*----------------*----------------
Exploring Haiku
Wednesday evening 26th January 2011
Mini-Memoir Writing
Lead Course Tutor Karen Hoy
Lead Course Tutor Karen Hoy
With Words Residential Course, Claridge House, Surrey
17th - 21st January 2011
The group will share memories and anecdotes, and then encapsulate them in short, separate, pieces of writing. With different themes each day, the course will provide structure for experienced writers,
and gentle encouragement to beginners. There will be plenty of ideas to take away for future memoir writing.
KAREN HOY has a Diploma in Creative Writing from Bristol University, and is a published writer of poetry and non-fiction.
She was Highly Commended in the BBC Wildlife Magazine Nature Writer of the Year Competition 2009, with a nature memoir essay, but enjoys all sorts of triggers for her memory writing.
ALAN SUMMERS has an MA in Creative Writing from Bath Spa University.
He is widely published, a specialist in short-form literature, and an experienced workshop leader. Alan is the founder of With Words, an organisation that promotes the love of words. He is currently working with Hull Council on a major literacy event based around Hull Libraries and the rest of the city.
September 16th
Private haiku and renga workshops with Hull writing group
Larkin on Living
Monday 9th August 2010
7pm - 9pm
As part of Larkin25 (the Philip Larkin Festival) I read selected renga verses from the ongoing Hull Global Renga:
The History Centre
Monday 9th August 2010
10am - 4pm
Freetown Way, Hull, East Yorkshire 10am - 4pm
The History Centre arcade café
I will be in the cafe from 10am - 4pm, so please join me for a coffee if you can, for a chat and even a renga verse or two.
Informal and friendly.
Hull Global Renga
June 15th - December 2nd 2010
June 15th - December 2nd 2010
Alan Summers as renga poet-in-residence for the City of Hull:
We would love to hear from:
* people living in Hull or just outside.* people who were born in Hull but now live elsewhere in Britain
or the rest of the world
* people who have either worked in Hull or have spent a holiday there.
Hull is a glorious city, where despite its poverty levels, has possibly the most friendliest people in Britain.
Part of the Super Renga Project is to promote both the amazing work carried out by Hull Libraries for its people, and to show that Hull is city worth visiting because there are few places left where you can spend a much needed holiday or short break without being pestered as a tourist.
If you feel you can't write a renga verse of 2 or 3 short line duration, please do send an anecdote or brief account of your time spent in Hull.
The Hull Global Renga email:
June 2010

Moor Poets invitation to Alan and Karen:
Click for further details:
The Summer Haiku Almanac workshop and walk
Dartmoor Sunday June 13th
May 2010
Swindon Festival of Literature
Haiku poet-in-residence with family friendly activities:

2010 Bath Japanese Festival:
Book Arts, Films, Haiku and Renga Festival
(May 12th - 23rd 2010)
With Words in Partnership with Rachel Carvosso of Tokyo Art Beat; Bath Libraries; Uni-Verse; and International Haiku Spring Festival 2010: Akita, Northern Honshu, Japan
May 22nd
Renga sessions (in planning)
Monday - Friday 12th - 16th April 2010
only two places left as of Monday 15th March
WRITING POETRY the haiku way.
Claridge House, Dormans Road, Dormansland Lingfield, Surrey, RH7 6QH
Enter the world of Japanese poetry:
immerse yourself into the ‘quietnesses’ of haiku while weaving the haiku technique into your writing.
Here is a little taster of what we'll be enjoying during the residential course:
- The Haiku Game: great entertainment and ice-breaker and a relaxed way to start to understand all about haiku
- Haiku: its history, techniques, how to keep a haiku journal (with complimentary Haiku Journal): how to read or perform haiku (and haibun); and how to get published.
- Ginko: a writing walk, weather permitting, with complimentary Haiku Journal
- Tanka: the short love poem
- Haibun (prose with haiku): great for journals or diary entries, and with travel writing
- Renga: Our last full day will have a 12 verse renga, just for fun!
Claridge House
tel. no. 01342 832150 or 0845 345 7281
Claridge House, Dormans Road, Dormansland Lingfield, Surrey, RH7 6QH
Haiku is a relaxing way of noting the ordinary moments in our lives, and with a complimentary Haiku Journal, you can become part of the Haiku Way.
This is our second residential course at Claridge House by the way.
After such a successful week last year both Claridge House, the students, and myself and Karen decided to have this second residential in 2010, and the food is incredible, and all diets covered too!
2010 comments (more to add later)
"I loved the week and am thoroughly inspired by you and Karen. Thank you so much."
"Just to say that I have heard from the magazine you suggested and they have accepted my story and will publish and want more. Thank you."
(National magazine)
“You are a great teacher, and I know what I'm saying. Thank you for everything you gave us.”
“…still on a high…you helped me move past a real boulder I had been lugging around…I am very grateful and enjoying my writing much more.”
“Anyone lucky enough to write a renga with Alan will certainly learn what words can do."
Enjoy the beautiful surroundings, and as haiku are often written with a seasonal reference, and contain natural images, be inspired by the nature right outside Claridge House.
There will be plenty of opportunity to have one-one and/or group feedback on haiku and other forms that you wish to either get to publishable quality, or wish to develop further in your writing as a novelist; travel writer (and other non-fiction); a journal/diarist; or poet.
Claridge House
tel. no. 01342 832150 or 0845 345 7281
Claridge House, Dormans Road, Dormansland Lingfield, Surrey, RH7 6QH
Reg. Charity no 228102.
Ffi and the renga we did for Red Nose Day: Residential Course

World Book Day
Thursday 4th March
Catch me at Bath Central Library (U.K.) from 1pm to 5pm!
Saturday 20th February & Sunday 21st February 2010
Bristol Sign (Haiku & Renga) Poetry Festival
Both days including Saturday night poetry event (150 bookings!)
The University of Bristol Centre for Deaf Studies and the Centre for Personal and Professional Development, in association with Scream Bristol, and Action Deafness Books, are pleased to announce the second Sign Poetry Festival.
Workshops are free and will explore different areas of sign language with the Japanese arts of haiku and renga.
Saturday 10am-4pm FREE WORKSHOPS!
Workshops at the University of Bristol, with Richard Carter, Johanna Mesch, Paul Scott, Donna Williams, John Wilson and leading haiku poet Alan Summers.
Poetry workshops are open to members of the Deaf community (age 18+) and will be in British Sign Language. A simple lunch will be provided.
Please email if you would like to book a place.
Sunday 10am-4pm
Workshops, participant performances and private awards ceremony at the Bristol Centre for Deaf People.
Renga Sessions, Bristol (private NESA booking)
Wolds Words Festival
Friday 23rd October 2009
"I have heard nothing but great reviews. You were a great asset to the Festival programme."
Katie-Louise Holden, Assistant Arts and Events Officer
Haiku & Senryu Workshop £5
10.00am to 12.00pm
Navigation Warehouse, LOUTH
This workshop is suitable for beginners right through to advanced writers. There will be exercises and group discussion/Q&A and a complimentary Haiku Journal notebook.
Haiku Walk £5
2.00pm to 3.30pm
Begins at Navigation Warehouse, LOUTH
"Haiku are poems rooted in natural history and the seasons; they make us conspirators with wildlife, as nature half-writes the haiku before we've even put pen to paper. Become a co-poet with nature!" Alan Summers
*Special Offer:
Only £7.50 if you book onto both Haiku & Senryu Workshop and Haiku Walk.
Wolds Words 2009 Festival :
Guest Writers in Conversation
Tracey Kelly & Alan Summers
Wed 25 November 2009, 7-9pm £5 on door
The New Inn, Monmouth Place, Bath, BA1 2AY

Tracey Kelly is the author of The Hal X Syndrome, a novel described by Terry (Monty Python) Jones as being “funny, surprising and original."
"City writer is noticed by Hollywood." Bath Chronicle, November 12th 2009
Tracey will be talking about her inspiration for the book, now in the hand of an L.A. scriptwriter, and work on the sequel.
Alan Summers is writer and founder of With Words, and is the roving ‘Japan-UK 150’ haiku and renga poet-in-residence at Bath Libraries for The 1000 Verse Renga Project.
Alan will also be talking about The Christmas Van, his children’s novel-in-progress.
The New Inn:

Wadsworth Brewery New Inn page & map: page:
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