Online internet courses by Call of the Page

Are you interested in a Call of the Page course? We run courses on haiku; tanka; tanka stories/prose; haibun; shahai; and other genres.

Please email Karen or Alan at our joint email address:
We will let you know more about these courses.

Call of the Page (Alan & Karen)

Monday, July 14, 2014

Writer’s Notes for The With Words Summer Competition

Writer’s Notes:
Each entrant to the competition may also submit personal notes on the theme of summer.  Twelve chosen extracts from writers’ notes will each receive a prize. 

We are very keen to publish individual author voices in The With Words Haiku Book of Summer, so please send us your notes, observations, thoughts and feelings, anecdotes, or explanations about your haiku, about Summer, or your nearest equivalent to Summer if you live in a country that has different seasons, either with your haiku submission, or separately at a later time.   

This part of the competition is FREE, and you could win a prize as well as be featured in the Summer books we are planning. 

These may include notes specific to the poems submitted, or about summer in general.  

We will select twelve extracts from writers’ notes for special mention and a prize.

For ideas about what to include in writer’s notes, please consider:
  • Season: what season, or part of the season, festival, special day etc are you writing about … 
  • Seasonal Location: immediate area of your poem[s] plus other geographical details
  • Full Date (time am or pm, day, month, year) of observation 
  • Comments: anecdotes; observations; notes; fieldnotes; asides; or an account of why you personally associate the topic of your haiku with summer.
  • Nature notes including nicknames and common names of species; local, regional and national names for animal; bird; plant; flower; tree; insect and various natural or human made phenomena.
  • Non-nature: name of festival; special days; birthdays; religious or spiritual observances etc…
You can either send your writer's notes in with your haiku entries:

Or send the haiku first, and then email:
with a subject line of Summer Notes once you are ready.

"Capturing the essence of Summer worldwide"
You have until next year, February 15th 2015 to send in entries and writer's notes.
Weblink back to the main competition details:


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