Online internet courses by Call of the Page

Are you interested in a Call of the Page course? We run courses on haiku; tanka; tanka stories/prose; haibun; shahai; and other genres.

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Call of the Page (Alan & Karen)

Monday, December 31, 2012

A selection of haiku by Alan Summers over the latter part of 2012

rain on the river the jesus star shifting

Janice M Bostok Haiku Prize 2012 Anthology Evening Breeze

train whistle
a blackbird hops
along its notes

Publications credits:
Presence #47 (December 2012)

the childing autumn
I forget heartbreak
stains to violets

Publication Credits: Notes from the Gean Haiku Monthly (December 2012)

black rainbows?
mark her clock out
in cherries

Publication Credits: Notes from the Gean Haiku Monthly (December 2012)

cloud mountain
she screams her daughter's name
into the month of march

Publication Credits: Air, British Haiku Society Members’ Anthology (2012)

Maple moon
Grandmother’s recipe
settles in the pan

Publication Credits: Asahi Shimbun (Japan, November 2012); From the Icebox (December 2012, Hailstone Haiku Group, Japan)

green clouds
the scarecrow worries
a loose thread

Publication Credits: Asahi Shimbun (Japan 2012)

toy suns
the winter-dark rain
smashes the city

Publications credits:
Blithe Spirit (vol 23 no. 4 November 2012); Does Fish-God Know (YTBN Press 2012)

drifting rain 
my hundred autumn rooms 
to be alone

Publication Credits: Mainichi Shimbun (Japan, Oct. 2012)



Aubrie said...

Wow! Your writing has really taken some new directions this year, Alan. Too cool.

I'm particularly fond of "rain on the river" (R is one of my favorite letters for alliteration), "cloud mountain," and "drifting rain." Not to mention the phrase "toy suns" just rocks my socks.

I hope 2013 is just as fruitful for you.


Pan Haiku Review said...

Thanks Aubrie, your comments are very much appreciated.

Yes I've been writing and studying quietly the last 18 months or so.

Some of this new work has gone into Does Fish-God Know:
Does Fish-God Know

There's a further two collections worth of recent work, including one-line haiku, that will hopefully see the light of day in 2014 or 2015.

kindest regards,
