Online internet courses by Call of the Page

Are you interested in a Call of the Page course? We run courses on haiku; tanka; tanka stories/prose; haibun; shahai; and other genres.

Please email Karen or Alan at our joint email address:
We will let you know more about these courses.

Call of the Page (Alan & Karen)

Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Lime Quarter: Sixth Day: Haiku poetry showcase by Alan Summers at Cornell University USA

A month of haiku poems by Alan Summers at Cornell University USA:

lime quarter
an ice cube collapses
over jazz

Alan Summers

linocut byTrevor Haddrell
Bristol Floating Harbour September 2003


lime quarter
an ice cube collapses
over jazz

Publication Credits: Presence No.13  (2001); tinywords (2004); See Haiku Here haiga (Japan, 2011); haijinx volume IV, issue 1 (2011); Seven By Twenty (Twitter eMagazine, 2010); Derbyshire Library Service Poem a Month (June 2011); The Haiku Foundation Per Diem series Haiku of the Senses (March 2012); Multiverses 1.1 (2012);  tempslibres - free times (French language Analysis of the Haiku structure feature 2013-03-1); Under the Basho Vol 1.1 Autumn 2013; THFhaiku (The Haiku Foundation)mApp Version 5.0 (iTunes, January 2016)

Blogging Along Tobacco Road: Alan Summers - Three Questions (2010) 
Sunday, June 13, 2010

Per Diem
The Haiku Foundation Per Diem May 2020 curated by Paul David Mena wine and song theme:
descriptive post:

Cornell University, Mann Library, U.S.A. "Daily Haiku" poet (March 2013)

Anthology credits: Haiku Friends vol. 1 ed. Masaharu Hirata (Osaka, Japan, 2003);  City: Bristol Today in Poems and Pictures, Paralaia (2004); naad anunaad: an anthology of contemporary international haiku ed. Shloka Shankar Sanjuktaa Asopa, Kala Ramesh, India, 2016 (Haiku Society of America Merit Book Awards, Best Anthology [tie] 2017)

Television, newspaper, magazine and other media credits: 
BBC 1 - Regional arts feature  (British Broadcasting Television, November 2003); Seven magazine feature: “Three lines of simple beauty” (2006); Bristol Evening Post article (2002); BroadcastLab, ArtsWork Bath Spa University (Haiku Poet-in-residence 2006 - 2007); THFhaiku app for iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch (2011)

Art Exhibition Credits:

Floating World Japanese Festival 
Joint exhibition with linocut artist Trevor Haddrell (Bristol Floating Harbour, September 2003)

East meets West 
The Art Gym - Hengrove Community Arts College 
linocuts with Trevor Haddrell (November 2003)

The Haiku Experience  - Alan Summers & Karen Hoy

Totterdown Art Trail (Bristol, November 2003 also partly filmed by BBC TV of the U.K.) 

naad anunaad: an anthology of contemporary international haiku ed. Shloka Shankar Sanjuktaa Asopa, Kala Ramesh (India, 2016): 

quartier de citron vert
un cube de glace s'affaisse
sur fond de jazz

French translation by Serge Tome


S.M. Abeles said...

Great poem and congrats on Cornell Alan. Best, SMA

Pan Haiku Review said...

Thank you for your kind comment, it's very much appreciated.

warmest regards,
