looking up
above the seat in front
a child’s eyes
sunlight breaks
on a bird
and its portion of the roof
hi wa torini yane no ibasho ni sosogi keri

Trans. Hiromi Inoue
Ehime Prefecture, Japan
Alan Summers, Japan Times Award (2002), President, United Haiku and Tanka Society, and co-founder of Call of the Page, providing literature, education & literacy projects, often based around Japanese genres. For events & workshops contact us through our Call of the Page website: Call of the Page.
Hi Tim,
Check out my comments on your blog where I've supplied links to Haiku Oz and paper wasp, and hope to see your work in paper wasp in the near future! (-;
What a blatant act of poetry! Shocking!
I caught another one yesterday, who knows what will happen today.
Hi Tim,
I live in the U.K. but did live in Ipswich around the Churchill suburb. I was a member of the Queensland Poetry Association and a regular at the spoken word events at the Metro Centre; and I'm a Lifetime member of FAWQ. Wish I was back, but having a good time over here too!
The Metro Arts Centre now known as !Metro Arts, is straight down Edward Street from Roma Street station.
!Metro Arts
Basically, with haiku publications, you shouldn't, because of the quick turnaround with replies back, as long as there is a S.S.A.E. enclosed, or it's an email submission that they state they are happy for subscribers to submit work by.
If it's other poetry publications, well... one or two take 2 years to reply, honest. I know one good collegue who submitted the same poem to a magazine because they had no reply for two years, and guess what, the magazine that took 2 years, suddenly, by sheer coincidence, replied the same day as the one submitted to within a couple of weeks or so. It was resolved very amicably because they both knew and respected the poet. But, yikes, a hard one to say, maybe choose publications in different and far flung countries? (-;
what exactly is the form of a haiku?
hi alexhighrise!
If you go to my With Words and check out my what is haiku site it gives you an idea. Even in Japan there is no fixed definition and they have been breaking their own rules for centuries. (-;
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