Online internet courses by Call of the Page

Are you interested in a Call of the Page course? We run courses on haiku; tanka; tanka stories/prose; haibun; shahai; and other genres.

Please email Karen or Alan at our joint email address:
We will let you know more about these courses.

Call of the Page (Alan & Karen)

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

2010 Bath Japanese Festival

2010 Bath Japanese Festival
Book Arts, Films, Haiku and Renga and a lot more!
May 12th - 23rd 2010

With Words (Alan Summers) and Rachel Carvosso of Tokyo Art Beat & Japan Editor for Bristol's The Love of It
in Partnership with Bath Libraries; Nikki Bennett & Uni-Verse; Mr B's Emporium of Reading Delights; Writing Events Bath; Bath Royal Literary and Scientific Institution (fondly known as BRSLI); and International Haiku Spring Festival 2010 (Akita, Northern Honshu, Japan).

Watch this space!

Comments from a previous renga workshop:

"we really enjoyed the renga was a very intensely creative act, and I was really struck by the renga form itself, what it could be capable of...a whole new poetic energy" Mark, University of Winchester

"Thanks again for a wonderful poetry session."
Yu Yan, U.S. citizen currently visiting Bath

"I just wanted to thank you again for such a great event...I want to do some more!" Susan, Plymouth

"Thanks so much for yesterday's renga event - it was fantastic! Really got the creative juices flowing. Let me know when the next one is, I will definitely attend!" Tracey, Bath

"Looks like I missed a fantastic event..I hope to be at the next one."
Caroline, Bristol (she was!)

" More! More! " Libby, Bristol

"It is so tempting to get involved in renku/renga with all the excitement you...generate." Melinda, USA


Tawnya Smith said...

As a haiku poet, I find your blog and the With Words site very exciting. Will there be an International 2010 contest? Thank you for visiting my blog and luring me here. I enjoyed my visit and intend to stay in touch.

Yousei Hime

Pan Haiku Review said...

Dear Yousei,

There will be a With Words International Online Haiku Competition 2010 very soon! ;-)

The With Words International Online Haiku Competition 2010

If you'd like you can join our mailing list with "Add Me" to:

all my best,


Diane Dehler said...

Hi Alan,
I stopped to visit your blog after seeing your link on FB. You have so many resources here and I feel really encouraged to work on some new haiku. I did a whole series of gold chrysanthemum haiku a few years ago. Time to dip the haiku brush into black ink!

blogette said...

I note the Bath Japanese festival is from 12-23 May. Where is the programme? My Japanese friends are intrested. I am trying to arrange my week and have no idea of what, when or where anything is happening? Where are the posters or press publicity? Where do I buy tickets? Is the Museum of East Asian Art involved?
from A.H.

Pan Haiku Review said...

Hi A.H.

The flyers are widely spread across three counties including Mr B's Emporium of Reading Delights in Bath; Bath Libraries; Bath Tourist Information Centre; Museum of East Asian Art; Victoria Art Gallery; Bath Royal Literary and Scientific Institute, Bath; Bristol Central Library; Watershed, Bristol; Arnolfini, Bristol; and many other places.

It's possible they have all been snatched up of course. ;-)

But you can also check my more recent Area 17 post at:
2010 Bath Japanese Festival

Or go direct to the festival website:
Bath Japanese Festival



or as you mention Facebook you can go to the dedicated Launch Party page at:

Facebook 2010 Bath Japanese Festival Launch Party

or email me direct at:

If you'd like to come along to the launch party at the Bath Royal Literary and Scientific Institution in Bath, all you need to do is turn up at the door on Wednesday 12th May (event times 7-10pm) at BRLSI.
Website and online poster: BRSLI

Tickets are £4 or £2 to BRLSI members and STUDENTS

We have haiga and haiku poets from Akita; Carrie Etter reading haiku and senryu from her collection in progress "The Broken Kite"; and Karen Hoy and myself reading Renga from With Words workshops.

Also there is a fun Origami Picnic Corner; Anime Cells from Blazblue: Calamity Trigger; Haiga exhibition; Japanese Tattoos; and Usborne Books talking about their Japanese literature and literacy series.

Hot sake and sushi from Yen Sushi are on sale as well as other refreshments.

Plus many more surprises!

Hope to see you,

all my very best,

Director, With Words
Literature Director, Bath Japanese Festival
