Online internet courses by Call of the Page

Are you interested in a Call of the Page course? We run courses on haiku; tanka; tanka stories/prose; haibun; shahai; and other genres.

Please email Karen or Alan at our joint email address:
We will let you know more about these courses.

Call of the Page (Alan & Karen)

Monday, March 29, 2010

summer wind sparrow haiku artwork (haiku Alan Summers; artwork Dru Marland)

summer wind
a sparrow re-rights itself
at the peanut cage

haiku by Alan Summers

Haiku Publishing Credits:
JournalAzami, Osaka, Japanese haiku magazine (1997)

1. Haiku Friends Vol. 3  ed. Masaharu Hirata, Osaka, Japan  (2009) 
2. Wing Beats: British Birds in Haiku ISBN 978-1-903543-24-5 (2008)
3. Inking Bitterns (Gert Macky Books, December 2013)  ISBN-10: 0992678315 ISBN-13: 978-0992678319
4. EarthRise Rolling Haiku Collaboration 2016: Foodcrop Haiku

Gert Macky books:

Don't forget to celebrate sparrows all year round, but also on World Sparrow Day too!




M. Reka said...

Hi Alan, this is lovely haiku :)

Marinela x

Diane Dehler said...

Delightful and I love the drawing also.

Magyar said...

the squirrels
tails flutter in this wind
bird-feeder thieves

Love this... both the paint of color, and the paint of words.

Gillena Cox said...

summer wind
the sharp eye of a sparrow
holding her peanut

much love

Pan Haiku Review said...

Kids Count for Earthday 5-7-5 Haiku Contest 2010:
Children's and Young Person's Haiku Contest, free entry

Details of the festival at Area 17 post at:
2010 Bath Japanese Festival



Facebook dedicated Launch Party page at:
Facebook 2010 Bath Japanese Festival Launch Party

or email me direct at:

If you'd like to come along to the launch party at the Bath Royal Literary and Scientific Institution in Bath, all you need to do is turn up at the door on Wednesday 12th May (event times 7-10pm) at BRLSI.
Website and online poster: BRSLI

Tickets are £4 or £2 to BRLSI members and STUDENTS

We have haiga and haiku poets from Akita; Carrie Etter reading haiku and senryu from her collection in progress "The Broken Kite"; and Karen Hoy and myself reading Renga from With Words workshops.

Also there is a fun Origami Picnic Corner; Anime Cells from Blazblue: Calamity Trigger; Haiga exhibition; Japanese Tattoos; and Usborne Books talking about their Japanese literature and literacy series.

Hot sake and sushi from Yen Sushi are on sale as well as other refreshments.

Plus many more surprises!

Hope to see you,

all my very best,

Director, With Words
Literature Director, Bath Japanese Festival
